Krishan König

Passionate web-developer, Laravel-enthusiast, OSS-contributor, musician and bookworm; constantly looking for new challenges to solve.

Some of the services I offer to customers
Custom Software
Create your custom Web-App from scratch
Improve preformance and maintainability
Write Tests
Boost reliability with tests
Expand your app's functionality
Kickstart your project with sense
Manage Hosting
Host and manage your app
Check out what other customers think about me
Have I sparked your interest?
Even though I am a little nerdy I am not a computer. I do enjoy conversations with like minded people and working with clients who think of me as a partner and not as an employee. I am looking for clients that I can build a long-lasting relationship based on trust and reliability. If you are still not sure if I am a good fit, please read what other customers think of me and the work I've provided for them.
Romega Digital
Romega Digital
When my agency works with contractors, we determine a successful partnership to be one’s consistent ability to deliver on time and exceeding expectations of quality. Since we do not have the resources to do work twice, and it’s critical to ship on time, we look to Krishan regularly to augment our available resources.
Braden Keith
Braden Keith
Owner of Romega Digital
Why laravel?
The reason why I choose Laravel for almost every project
The Laravel ecosystem is a developer's dream
Selecting Laravel as your framework of choice means you have a huge ecosystem consisting of thought through software packages at your fingertips. In a matter of minutes a laravel developer can create you a user managment system, deploy your app to production or to setup a payment gateway in no time.
Laravel ForgeServer management
As someone who always had to develop projects on my own I hated to dive into DevOps and remember every command to set up a server. With Laravel Forge I don't need to. It sets up everything for me and gives me an easy-to-use dashboard to set up new databases, backups, cron-jobs, SSL certificates, queues and more.
Laravel NovaAdministration Panel
Since Laravel Nova joined the ecosystem I use it for almost every project. Nova provides us an easy way to create admin panels to manage and analyze data in no time. We can also add nova tools created by the community or add our own functionality through actions that can be executed right from the dashboard.
Laravel SparkApp Boilerplate
Spark delivers us an app boilerplate with integrated functionalities which would take us weeks or months to complete. Integrated features include multiple language support, payment gateway integration through Stripe, authentication with teams, announcements, user impersonation and more.
Laravel TelescopeLive Debugging
Although not explicitly designed to debug production environments with some tweaks Telescope is usable for this scenario. Want to know why this specific error occurs in production? Telescope provides us with a clean dashboard where we can check requests, commands, jobs, exceptions, queries and much more.
Laravel HorizonQueue Monitoring
Queues in Laravel allow us to handle multiple jobs simultaneously. At the same time queues make it hard to keep track of which job failed and for what reason. Horizon provides us a similar dashboard to Telescope but instead of focussing on debugging, Horizon lets us managing our queue strategy, analyze failed jobs and restart them.
Laravel ValetLaravel Dev environment
Valet gives us a minimal development environment and provides us with a few commands to make our development life a little easier. It's one of these tools you don't have to think about much after the initial setup. Even though the official Laravel Valet is only for Macs the community has created the exact same tool for Linux and Windows.
About Me
After working on-site for two and a half years for a Salesforce partner company, I parted ways to join another agency to do Laravel related work for a living. The change meant my wage was cut to two-third, but money was never the sole motivation for my work. Soon after I started my new job I began to reactivate my freelance carrier on the side. My motivation to work for an agency with different moral standards than myself led me to quit the job and start my career as a full-time freelancer.
In my business, I focus on developing custom software for small businesses and agencies to overcome their challenges. I enjoy the ability to work remotely in UTC+1 for all my clients in different countries and time zones. I figured for myself that the only way for a happy and healthy life is to have a good work-life balance. Therefore, I don't generally work on weekends nor am I reachable 24/7. Trust me when I say that my normal workweek is enough to get your work done.